
Lynn 是 High Expectations 的创始人。她在萨福克大学获得英语学士学位,在新英格兰法学院获得法学学位。她从事法律工作多年,专注于民权和儿童与家庭法。在创立 High Expectations 之前,她担任教育倡导者并代表学生和教师处理就业和民权事务。

Bob 在波士顿学院学习商业和财务规划。在过去的 30 年里,他拥有并经营一家独立的房地产和物业管理公司。 他还是青年罪犯第二次机会的业务经理,这是一家当地非营利组织,为服务不足的青年。 Bob 将国际学生与美国的住房联系起来,并担任 High Expectations 的指定学校官员。

Katerina(“Katie”)毕业于圣安德鲁斯大学,获得法语和拉丁文学士学位或文学学士学位,并获得伦敦大学学院 TESOL 硕士学位。 她在英国、泰国和中国的海外生活和工作经历证明了她胜任这份工作的原因。在亚洲期间,Katie 是一名 EAL 专家和听力教师。在加入 High Expectations 之前,她还在查尔斯顿和波士顿公立学校教授英语学习者。

英石udent 服务协调员
Kimberly 毕业于锡拉丘兹大学文理学院,获得语言学文学学士学位。她是锡拉丘兹大学英语语言学院的英语教师,在成为学院助理主任之前加入我们的团队担任 ESL 教师。她目前正在波士顿的马萨诸塞大学攻读语言学硕士学位,精通英语和越南语。

Guilherme 于 2006 年获得巴西 Unisul 大学的广告和营销学位,并于 2010 年至 2016 年经营自己的代理机构。在移居美国之前,他在整个职业生涯中负责了无数成功的营销活动。他是 High Expectations 的现任营销总监,协助学生完成入学程序。

Dylan 获得了塞勒姆州立大学的传播学学位,并在 High Expectations 实习。在他的两次暑期实习期间,他完成了多项任务,包括为 High Expectations 撰写文章、为学校创建图书馆数据库以及开发社交媒体内容。

Thomas 毕业于波士顿学院,获得英国文学文学学士学位,并以优异成绩毕业。 2016年正式获得英语教师资格证。从那以后,他在意大利任教了几年,目前在波士顿地区工作。他的工作之一包括为波士顿公立学校学生的移民父母教授英语。

Paul Ventura
ESL Teacher
Paul received a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Studies from Endicott College with Magna Cum Laude honors. He initially worked for High Expectations as a summer intern assisting with the IELP accreditation process and creating a teaching resource database for ESL teachers. He earned a TESOL certificate in 2023, before joining High Expectations as an ESL instructor.

James Compton
ESL Teacher
James graduated from the University of Nebraska at Omaha with a Bachelor’s and Master of Arts degree in English Language and Literature. As a part of his Master's program, he completed an apprenticeship where he worked as a Composition Instructor. In 2022, he received a certificate in TESOL.

Christopher Hall
ESL Teacher
Christopher received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Secondary Education from the University of Alabama. In his 17 years of ESL teaching, he has worked with students from a lengthy list of countries ranging from the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Brazil, China, Haiti, Cape Verde, and the Dominican Republic. He most recently has taught ESL in Chelsea Public Schools’ Intergenerational Literacy Program.

Decio Silva
ESL Teacher
Decio received a degree in Pedagogy from Nove de Julho University in Brazil. For a decade and a half, he had multiple ESL teaching and administrative positions in Mexico. This includes being the CEO of the Mexican affiliate of the platform SmrtEnglish, which offers online classes to people from all around the world.

Aicha Nezzar
ESL Teacher
Aicha graduated from the University of Batna in Algeria with a Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature. She received a Master’s degree in Language Sciences and TEFL from the University of Jijel. She relocated to the US and became certified to teach TESOL, TESL and TEFL. Aica speaks English and Arabic.

Carolina Coxa
ESL Teacher
Carolina received a Bachelor’s degree in Literature and a Postgraduate degree in Education from the University of Sao Paulo. During her time teaching in Fisk Centro de Ensino, her reputation among colleagues was being well organized, willing to help struggling students and referred to as one of the best teachers they ever had there.

Doa Le
ESL Teacher
Doa received a Master’s degree in TESOL. She initially was a self employed ESL instructor and taught a wide range of Vietnamese students from children to adults through online. Since 2022, she has taught ESL at the International School of Advanced Learning in Allston before coming to High Expectations.

Jennifer Mulvey
ESL Teacher/Academic Advisor
Jennifer received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and Anthropology from Brandeis University and a Master’s degree in Elementary Education from UMass Boston. She has had a wide range of opportunities to teach all different walks of life during her 26 year career, which includes a tenure at the Boston Asian Student Center as an ESL instructor.

Mark Censky
ESL Teacher
Mark received a Bachelor’s in Philosophy, Management and Psychology and Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Miami University in Ohio. Before venturing into the ESL world, he spent time as a Workforce Development Manager for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and has worked many other marketing and management positions over 20 years. He now implements his past experiences as a ESL teacher.

Geno Spina
Geno graduated Bentley University with a degree in Accounting and Business Management. In over 30 years, he has utilized his financial savvy for many different companies including Tufts Electronics Group, Kentron Technologies and NuView Systems, Inc. He is currently the Comptroller at High Expectations with responsibility for financial compliance and reporting.